Machine Guarding Solutions
Providing Machine Guarding Products,
Sales, Service, Machine Safeguarding Assessments, Components, & More
Trusted machine guarding and device distributors
Guardomation, Inc. was established in 1999 with one goal in mind – to help make the manufacturing environment a safer workplace.
Over the years, we have assisted thousands of customers with their machine safety/machine guarding efforts. We specialize in the proper specification and selection of machine guards, guarding devices and safety control systems for your machinery. We represent the top tier manufacturers of machine guards, guarding devices and controllers and apply a customized guarding approach that best fits the needs of our customers.

Three Decades of Experience
Guardomation Inc., backed by 24 years of combined experience, provides total solutions for products, sales, and service, machine safeguarding assessments, components and control reliable circuit specification & design, stop time and safe distance machine assessments, machine guarding consultation, custom controls, and panels.